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更新时间:2023-01-06 09:44:30


The user needs controls to be able to interact with the video, otherwise how can they play it, pause it etc.?


You can remove the controls with JavaScript but it would have the same effect, i.e. the user unable to control the video.

因此,您需要将控件保留,或隐藏它们并使用Media API构建您自己的集合(请参阅使用HTML5多媒体组件 - 第3部分:自定义控件)。这样你就可以限制控件了。例如。

So you need to either leave the control in, or hide them and build your own set using the Media API (see Working with HTML5 multimedia components – Part 3: Custom controls ). This way you could limit the controls for example.


If you want to simply allow the user to play the video when they "click" on it, you could try something like:

var video = document.getElementById('myVideoId');
video.addEventListener('click', function() { video.play(); }, false);