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如何将 spark DataFrame 保存为磁盘上的 csv?

更新时间:2023-01-12 09:48:02

Apache Spark 不支持磁盘上的本机 CSV 输出.

Apache Spark does not support native CSV output on disk.


You have four available solutions though:

  1. 您可以将数据帧转换为 RDD :

  1. You can convert your Dataframe into an RDD :

def convertToReadableString(r : Row) = ???
df.rdd.map{ convertToReadableString }.saveAsTextFile(filepath)

这将创建一个文件夹文件路径.在文件路径下,您会找到分区文件(例如 part-000*)

This will create a folder filepath. Under the file path, you'll find partitions files (e.g part-000*)

如果我想将所有分区附加到一个大的 CSV 中,我通常会做的是

What I usually do if I want to append all the partitions into a big CSV is

cat filePath/part* > mycsvfile.csv

有些人会使用 coalesce(1,false) 从 RDD 创建一个分区.这通常是一种不好的做法,因为它可能会将您收集的所有数据都提取到驱动程序中.

Some will use coalesce(1,false) to create one partition from the RDD. It's usually a bad practice, since it may overwhelm the driver by pulling all the data you are collecting to it.

请注意,df.rdd 将返回一个 RDD[Row].

Note that df.rdd will return an RDD[Row].

通过 Spark ,您可以使用 databricks spark-csv 图书馆:

With Spark <2, you can use databricks spark-csv library:

  • Spark 1.4+:

  • Spark 1.4+:


  • Spark 1.3:

  • Spark 1.3:


  • 使用 Spark 2.x 时,不需要 spark-csv 包,因为它包含在 Spark 中.

    With Spark 2.x the spark-csv package is not needed as it's included in Spark.


  • 您可以转换为本地 Pandas 数据框并使用 to_csv 方法(仅限 PySpark).

  • You can convert to local Pandas data frame and use to_csv method (PySpark only).

    注意:解决方案 1、2 和 3 将导致 Spark 在调用 part-*)>保存代码>.每个分区将有一个 part- 文件.

    Note: Solutions 1, 2 and 3 will result in CSV format files (part-*) generated by the underlying Hadoop API that Spark calls when you invoke save. You will have one part- file per partition.