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我需要在所有表单输入上使用 mysql_real_escape_string 吗?

更新时间:2023-01-15 22:36:27




You need to validate any data that comes in. Yes, this means making sure that radio buttons contain legal values.

您需要清理任何传入的数据.该文本字段是否应包含 HTML?不?strip_tags.该字段应该是数字吗?将其转换为整数.

You need to sanitize any data that comes in. Should that text field contain HTML? No? strip_tags. Should that field be a number? Cast it as an integer.

您需要转义放在数据库中的任何数据.如果您仍在使用史前的mysql"扩展,这意味着在构建查询时对所有内容使用 mysql_real_escape_string —— 而不是之前.

You need to escape any data that you place in the database. If you're still using the prehistoric "mysql" extension, this means using mysql_real_escape_string on everything as you build your query -- not before.

您需要转义任何您回显给用户的数据.htmlspecialchars 是你的朋友.

You need to escape any data you echo to the user. htmlspecialchars is your friend.


I've previously explained this in more detail, though this is not a duplicate question.