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如何解决"Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException无法找到要用于类型的构造函数" Android错误?

更新时间:2023-01-17 23:21:29


Background: This is a common problem that roots from the UnityLinker's bytecode stripping algorithms. What's happening is that the UnityLinker cannot see any use of your types constructor (as Newtonsoft.Json only uses it via reflection, which a compiler cannot foresee), so it removes it. This bytecode stripping is only activated when building with the IL2CPP scripting backend, which is why you didn't experience any problem when building on your PC (or any other solely using Mono for that matter).


The fix: To overcome this, you can disable bytecode stripping for that type (or even just for that constructor). You can do this using a link.xml file. Example:

    <assembly fullname="MyAssembly">
        <type fullname="MyAssembly.MyCSharpClass">
            <!-- disables stripping just for the constructor -->
            <method signature="System.Void .ctor()"/>

        <!-- disables stripping for the entire type -->
        <type fullname="MyAssembly.MyCSharpClass" preserve="all" />

我已经写了一些有用的页面,其中涉及使用link.xml以及其他工具来解决AOT问题,因为我发现Unity的文档缺乏而且分散: https://github.com/jilleJr /Newtonsoft.Json-for-Unity/wiki/Fix-AOT-using-link.xml

I've written some helpful pages on using link.xml among other tools to cope with AOT issues, as I find Unity's documentation to be lacking and scattered: https://github.com/jilleJr/Newtonsoft.Json-for-Unity/wiki/Fix-AOT-using-link.xml

要详细了解原因,请参阅我的说明页: https://github.com/jilleJr/Newtonsoft.Json-for-Unity/wiki/What-even-is-AOT

To read more about why this is, please refer to my explanation page: https://github.com/jilleJr/Newtonsoft.Json-for-Unity/wiki/What-even-is-AOT