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Spring JMS 侦听器即使出现异常也会确认

更新时间:2023-01-18 20:26:39

您必须使用 DMLC 的事务.

You have to use transactions with the DMLC.

使用 Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGEsetSessionTransacted(true).


If the listener exits normally, the message is removed. If the listener throws an exception, the message will be rolled-back onto the queue.


You can also use client mode with transactions, but you have to acknowledge successful messages yourself.

您不必使用带有 SimpleMessageListenerContainer 的事务,但您仍然必须抛出异常才能将消息重新排队.

You don't have to use transactions with a SimpleMessageListenerContainer but you still have to throw an exception to get the message requeued.