
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-01-19 22:03:45


  params = [centreLat,centreLng,swLat,neLat,swLng,neLng,centreLat,centreLng] 


  query =SELECT units,(SQRT(((lat  - %(lat)s)*(lat  - %(lat)s))+((lng - %(lng)s)*(lng  - %(lng)s))))AS距离FROM位置WHERE lat<%(lat)s AND lat>%(lat)s AND lon<%(lng) ;%(lng)s ORDER BY distance; 
params = {'lat':centreLat,'lng':centreLng}


Hopefully this should be a fairly straightforward question, I just don't know enough about Python and Django to answer it.

I've got a raw SQL query in Django that takes six different parameters, the first two of which (centreLat and centreLng) are each repeated:

query = "SELECT units, (SQRT(((lat-%s)*(lat-%s)) + ((lng-%s)*(lng-%s)))) AS distance FROM places WHERE lat<%s AND lat>%s AND lon<%s AND lon>%s ORDER BY distance;"
params = [centreLat,centreLng,swLat,neLat,swLng,neLng]
places = Place.objects.raw(query, params)

How do I structure the params object and the query string so they know which parameters to repeat and where?

You have (at least) two options. You could either include those repeated parameters in your list in the order that they need to appear - meaning that you would end up with the same values in your list multiple times like this:

params = [centreLat,centreLng,swLat,neLat,swLng,neLng,centreLat,centreLng]

OR, you could name each parameter using a dictionary and instead of using just a "%s" you could use "%(name)s" like this:

query = "SELECT units, (SQRT(((lat-%(lat)s)*(lat-%(lat)s)) + ((lng-%(lng)s)*(lng-%(lng)s)))) AS distance FROM places WHERE lat<%(lat)s AND lat>%(lat)s AND lon<%(lng)s AND lon>%(lng)s ORDER BY distance;"
params = {'lat':centreLat,'lng':centreLng}

(don't copy that code verbatim, i'm sure that's not EXACTLY what you need)