
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-01-25 08:16:14


iText doesn't have built-in support for charts or graphs. Instead you are encouraged to use a 3rd-party library to generate these and then add them as either graphics or PDFs.

这篇文章是使用 iTextSharpExtensions 。请注意,虽然它中有iText字样,但并不是iText制造商认可的。

Another option as outlined in this post is to use the iTextSharpExtensions. Please note that although it has the word "iText" in it is in no way endorsed by the makers of iText.

另外,作为一个快速的注释,请阅读常见问题解答,特别是为什么我不应该使用iText 2.x(或iTextSharp 4.x )?解释你正在使用的版本的许可证的一些神话。

Also, as a quick side note, please read FAQ, specifically the "Why shouldn't I use iText 2.x (or iTextSharp 4.x)?" explaining some of the myths of the license of the version you are using.