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使用 VBScript 的 Batch ECHO 命令的等价物是什么?

更新时间:2022-05-16 03:36:17

wscript.echo 是正确的命令 - 但是要输出到控制台而不是对话,您需要使用 cscript 而不是 wscript 运行脚本.

wscript.echo is the correct command - but to output to console rather than dialogue you need to run the script with cscript instead of wscript.


You can resolve this by

  • 像这样从命令行运行脚本:

  • running your script from command line like so:

cscript myscript.vbs

  • 更改默认文件关联(或为要使用 cscript 运行的脚本创建新的文件扩展名和关联).

  • changing the default file association (or creating a new file extension and association for those scripts you want to run with cscript).

    通过脚本主机选项更改引擎(即根据 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/245254)

    change the engine via the script host option (i.e. as per http://support.microsoft.com/kb/245254)

    cscript //h:cscript //s

  • 或者您可以在脚本的开头添加几行,以强制它将引擎"从 wscript 切换到 cscript - 请参阅 http://www.robvanderwoude.com/vbstech_engine_force.php(复制如下):

    'do whatever you want; anything after the above line you can gaurentee you'll be in cscript 
    Sub RunMeAsCScript()
            Dim strArgs, strCmd, strEngine, i, objDebug, wshShell
            Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
            strEngine = UCase( Right( WScript.FullName, 12 ) )
            If strEngine <> "\CSCRIPT.EXE" Then
                    ' Recreate the list of command line arguments
                    strArgs = ""
                    If WScript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then
                            For i = 0 To WScript.Arguments.Count
                                    strArgs = strArgs & " " & QuoteIt(WScript.Arguments(i)) 
                    End If
                    ' Create the complete command line to rerun this script in CSCRIPT
                    strCmd = "CSCRIPT.EXE //NoLogo """ & WScript.ScriptFullName & """" & strArgs
                    ' Rerun the script in CSCRIPT
                    Set objDebug = wshShell.Exec( strCmd )
                    ' Wait until the script exits
                    Do While objDebug.Status = 0
                            WScript.Sleep 100
                    ' Exit with CSCRIPT's return code
                    WScript.Quit objDebug.ExitCode
            End If
    End Sub
    'per Tomasz Gandor's comment, this will ensure parameters in quotes are covered:
    function QuoteIt(strTemp) 
            if instr(strTemp," ") then
                    strTemp = """" & replace(strTemp,"""","""""") & """"
            end if
            QuoteIt = strTemp
    end function