
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-01-27 15:14:33


Untested, a possible approach:


Create a DLL with a DllMain that uses GetThreadStartInformation() to find the address of the buffer, and then uses GetCurrentDirectory to populate it. This should be OK, because both of those functions are in kernel32, which is always present. You will need to have some structure there to return success/failure.

  1. 在得到一个处理cmd.exe进程。
  2. 分配一些内存出现(VirtualAllocEx的)
  3. 把路径在内存中的DLL。 (WriteProcessMemory的)
  4. 加载您的DLL到cmd.exe的地址空间。 (CreateRemoteThread的与调用LoadLibrary的入口点,参数是先前分配的内存。)
  5. 在WaitForSingleObject的后跟GetExit codeThread(),为您提供了cmd.exe进程DLL的HMODULE。
  6. ReadProcessMemory来获取当前目录。
  7. 从cmd.exe的地址空间中卸载您的DLL。 CreateRemote螺纹与FreeLibrary则的入口点,该参数是HMODULE。
  8. WaitForSingleObject的等待DLL来卸载。

广泛的草图:细节保留为锻炼; Tibial!风险:分配内存的CMD.EXE的地址空间,改变其状态。必须小心以称为DllMain中的功能。

Broad sketch: Details left as an excercise! Risks: Allocates memory in the cmd.exe address space, changes its state. Care must be taken with the functions called in DllMain.