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如何基于Jquery Mobile中的事件名称更改日历中特定日期的背景图像?

更新时间:2023-01-28 15:55:31

我已进行了一些修复,将根据事件添加自定义类.它需要对 jqm日历库进行一些小的更改.

I have made a little fix which will add custom classes based on event. It required doing some minor changes to jqm calendar library.


I first made three custom background CSS classes .wedding, .meeting and .party. And then added a value within the code where you call .jqmCalender().


Download working example

  events: [{
      "summary": "Birthday Dinnaer",
        "begin": new Date(y, m, d + 10),
        "end": new Date(y, m, d + 11),
        "bg": "wedding" // or meeting or party "matches class name"

jqm calendar.js 中,我进行了以下更改

In jqm calendar.js, I made the following changes

// line 11
bg: "bg",

// line 119 - to retrieve the value from .jqmCalendar() function
var bg = event[plugin.settings.bg];


Here, the date gets the style but I had to remove .importance in order not to override the custom class.

// line 127
$a.append("<span>&bull;</span>").removeClass("importance-" + importance.toString()).addClass(bg);


Here it adds the same style to summary when you click on date.

// line 211
$("<li class=" + bg + ">" + ((timeString != "00:00-00:00") ? timeString : "") + " " + summary + "</li>").appendTo($listview);


And here are the custom classes.

.wedding {
  background: #fcecfc;

.meeting {
  background: #f8ffe8;

.party {
  background: #ff3019;