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如何在 MySQL 中选择包含多个值的行?

更新时间:2023-01-31 15:30:49


You really shouldn't store your data like that since it makes queries horribly inefficient. For that particular use case, you can (if you don't care about performance) use:

select * from designer
    where gallery like '36,%'
       or gallery like '%,36'
       or gallery like '%,36,%'
       or gallery = '36'

这将减轻您对部分匹配的担忧,因为诸如 136 之类的内容不会匹配任何这些条件,但任何位置的 36 都会匹配.

This will alleviate your concerns about partial matches since something like 136 will not match any of those conditions but 36 in any position will match.


However, despite your protestations to the contrary, what you should do is re-engineer your schema, something like:

    id             integer primary key
    name           varchar(whatever)
    designer_id    integer foreign key references designer(id)
    gallery        string
    primary key    (designer_id,gallery)


Then your queries will be blindingly fast. One of the first things you should loearn is to always design your schema for third normal form. You can revert to other forms for performance once you understand the trade-offs (and know how to mitigate problems) but it's rarely necessary unless you database is horribly convoluted.