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什么是版本控制系统?Git 有什么用?

更新时间:2023-02-01 09:52:09

Git 的最大优点是与其他源代码控制系统不同,Git 可以离线工作.无论您是在飞机上还是在家里,还是在没有网络连接的遥远地方,都没有关系.您仍然可以将更改提交到本地 git 存储库 &连接后将其推送到中间服务器(如果有).使 Git 非常强大的另一件事是分支".如果您想修复错误或想尝试新的东西而不损害您当前的工作代码,只需创建一个分支 &在...上下功夫.当您的分支中一切正常时,您可以将其合并到 master 分支.

The best part about Git is unlike other source control systems, Git can work offline. Doesn't matter whether you are on a plane or at home or some distant place with no connectivity. You can still commit changes to your local git repository & push it to centralized server (if you have one) when you are connected. One more thing which makes Git very powerful is 'Branches'. If you want to do a bug fix or want to try something new without harming your current working code, just create a branch & work on it. When things ae working fine in your branch, you can merge it to the master branch.

我认为 Git 比其他任何 SCM 都提供了更多的灵活性.

I would say Git provides more flexibility than anything other SCM.