
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-02 22:11:32


You already have an explanation and a fix, but I suggest the following changes

  • 您应该prepare INSERT INTO SQL语句,然后在循环内execute. do的开销更大

  • You should prepare the INSERT INTO SQL statement and then execute it within the loop. do has a much bigger overhead


The // ( descendant-or-self::node() ) XPath construct is expensive and you should reserve it for cases where you have no idea where the element will be within the document, which is very rare. In this case the row1 elements are at /database/row1s/row1 and the row2 elements are at row2s/row2 relative to that

如果要在带引号的字符串中使用引号字符,则使用不同的定界符要干净得多.例如"My name is \"$name\""qq{My name is "$name"}

It is much cleaner to use different delimiters if you want to use quote characters within a quoted string. For instance "My name is \"$name\"" is much better as qq{My name is "$name"}


Here's a version of your program that may help.

use strict;
use warnings;

use XML::XPath;
use DBI;

my $xp = XML::XPath->new( filename => 'animals4.xml' );

my $dbh = DBI->connect(
   'DBI:mysql:test', 'user', 'pw',
   { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0}
) or die "Fehler beim Verbidungsaufbau zum MariaDB-Server: $DBI::err -< $DBI::errstr\n";

my $insert_animal = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO animal4 (name, category, type, size) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)');

for my $row1 ( $xp->findnodes('/database/row1s/row1') ) {

   my $name     = $row1->getAttribute('name');
   my $category = $row1->getAttribute('category');

   printf qq{Level --- row1 "name" gives: $name\n};

   my @row2 = $xp->findnodes('row2s/row2', $row1);

   if ( @row2 ) {
      for my $row2 ( @row2 ) {

         my $type = $row2->getAttribute('type');
         my $size = $row2->getAttribute('size');

         print qq{Level row2 "type" gives: $type\n};
         print qq{Level row2 "size" gives: $size\n};

         $insert_animal->execute($name, $category, $type, $size);
   else {
      $insert_animal->execute($name, $category, undef, undef);


Level --- row1 "name" gives: fox
Level row2 "type" gives: 1
Level row2 "size" gives: 10
Level row2 "type" gives: 2
Level row2 "size" gives: 8
Level --- row1 "name" gives: horse
Level row2 "type" gives: 3
Level row2 "size" gives: 100
Level --- row1 "name" gives: bee
Level --- row1 "name" gives: wasp