
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-02 22:29:08

是的,Logback需要3个数据库表,你不能跳过它们中的任何一个,你只能自定义它们的名字。这实际上是一个优点,Log4J根本没有记录异常,而Logback使用单独的表来进行堆栈跟踪。它还会记录 mdc 属性(第三张表)。

Yes, Logback requires 3 database tables, you cannot skip any of them, you can only customize their names. This is actually an advantage, Log4J didn't log exceptions at all, while Logback uses a separate table for stack trace lines. It also logs mdc properties (third table).

如果您想自定义表名和/或列名,可以实现 DBNameResolver

If you wish to customize table and/or column names, you can implement DBNameResolver.