
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-03 09:25:49

如果您使用的是 SKPaymentQueue ,那么这很容易.您要做的就是在服务器上成功/失败验证结果后,在SKPaymentQueue中保持保持交易,直到"第5步".

If you are using SKPaymentQueue, then it's easy. All you have to do is to keep the transaction in SKPaymentQueue until 'step 5' when you get a success/failure verify result from your server.


If anything goes wrong in between step 1 to 5 your app still has access to the transaction in the SKPaymentQueue and can 'reprocess' it.
The reprocessing of incomplete transactions could kick in at start of your app (or some time interval as you prefer).
Just check SKPaymentQueue to get the pending/incomplete transactions and send them to your server (just like 'step 2'). If your server is still not accessible obviously you won't get to step 5, therefore you don't remove the transaction from the queue and this reprocessing happens again and again every time at the next app start (or next queue check time interval) until is fulfilled.

实现也很容易,您需要具有 SKPaymentTransactionObserver 的'交易观察器类'.

The implementation is also easy, you need to have a 'transaction observer class' of SKPaymentTransactionObserver.
At app start create an instance of the 'transaction observer class' and that should register itself by call to:

[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:self]


Then 'transaction observer class' gets the transactions in method:

(void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray *)transactions


This method is where you can handle and reprocess all incomplete transactions.


Note that your server must be idempotent (i.e able to handle repeated transactions if they already been processed)
Once the server processes and completes steps 2 to 4, then it comes to app with success/failure result and that's the only time when you want to remove that transaction from the queue by call to:

[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] finishTransaction: transaction]


And finally give your user the premium feature they purchased at this point.