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返回到 Visual Studio Code 中上次编辑位置的键盘快捷键

更新时间:2023-02-03 11:36:36

: v1.28.0 刚刚添加了返回上次编辑位置的命令,见发行说明:导航回上次编辑的位置.

: v1.28.0 just added a command to go back to the last edited position, see release notes: navigate back to last edited position.


一个新命令转到上次编辑位置(workbench.action.navigateToLastEditLocation) 被添加到快速导航到已编辑文件中的最后一个位置.默认的键绑定是

A new command Go to Last Edit Location (workbench.action.navigateToLastEditLocation) was added to quickly navigate to the last location in a file that was edited. The default keybinding is

Ctrl+K Ctrl+Q


Previous answer: I don't think there is a built-in way to move between edits, but I could be wrong. Otherwise, see edit history extension which also allows you to move between edits in other files if you wish as well as strictly within the current file.