
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-06-02 03:55:25


I suppose in order to measure heartbeat you have 3 choices:

1 使用的相机已经在某些应用中实现了。我试过的其中之一,这是不是很大!

1. Use the camera as has been implemented in some applications already. I've tried one of these and it wasn't great!


2 使用麦克风。但是我不知道这是否会是足够敏感。你必须找到一种方法来过滤掉背景噪音,拿起只是所需的信号。

2. Use the microphone. However I'm not sure if it would be sensitive enough. You'd have to find a way to filter out background noise and pick up just the required signal.

使用麦克风,你就必须制定出如何过滤掉背景噪音信号和检测脉冲只有声音。麦克风将需要接近的地方被检测血液取得了足够的噪声的运动的心脏或某处保持。然后,你需要制定出噪音听起来像什么,并使用某种形式的音频信号处理的检测到它。再算上每个脉冲之间的时间以获得脉搏。下面是在行动这样一个应用程序的一个例子: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/11145583


3. Use the motion detection hardware. However I very much doubt this would be sensitive enough to pick up the movement caused by the beat of the heart!

除此之外,你需要有某种形式的外部传感器的 - 胸带或类似。你可以得到心脏率监测其传输蓝牙等等这些中的一个可能的工作。

Apart from that you'd need to have some sort of external sensor - a chest strap or similar. You can get heart rate monitors which transmit Bluetooth so one of these might work.
