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将SQL Server数据库数据移动到SAP BW

更新时间:2023-02-04 15:54:47

在搜索了该主题之后,我发现了许多解决此问题的链接,在此答案中,我将尝试总结所有这些链接并提供所有可帮助您实现目标的链接。 em>

After searching on this topic, i found many link addressing this issue, in this answer i will try to summarize them all and to provide all links that can help you achieving your goal.

有很多方法可以将数据从SQL Server导入到SAP BW:

There are many way to import data from SQL Server into SAP BW:

使用DB Connect,您可以通过以下方式从SAP支持的数据库系统中加载数据:

With DB Connect, you can load data from a database system that is supported by SAP, by

  • 将数据库作为源系统链接到BW,从而创建对外部关系数据库管理系统(RDBMS)的直接访问点。

  • 通过生成数据源使BW知道元数据。