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cmake - find_library - 自定义库位置

更新时间:2023-02-03 12:55:13

而不是使用find模块,我为所有安装的库编写配置文件。这些文件极端简单,也可以用于设置非标准变量。 CMake将(至少在Windows上)在 中搜索这些配置文件

  CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH /<< package_name> ;< version>> /> /< package_name>> -config.cmake 


  CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH / boost-1_50 / boost-config.cmake 


 设置(boost_INCLUDE_DIRS $ {boost_DIR} / include)
设置(boost_LIBRARY_DIR $ {boost_DIR} / lib)
foreach(component $ {boost_FIND_COMPONENTS})
set(boost_LIBRARIES $ {boost_LIBRARIES} debug $ {boost_LIBRARY_DIR} / libboost _ $ {component} -vc110-mt-gd-1_50。 lib)
set(boost_LIBRARIES $ {boost_LIBRARIES} optimized $ {boost_LIBRARY_DIR} / libboost _ $ {component} -vc110-mt-1_50.lib)
add_definitions(-D_WIN32_WINNT = 0x0501 )

很简单的+可以缩小配置文件的大小,帮助函数。我唯一的问题,我有这个设置是我没有找到一种方法给配置文件的优先级高于查找模块 - 所以你需要删除查找模块。


I'm currently trying to get CMake running for my project (on windows). I want to use a custom location where all libraries are installed. To inform CMake about that path I tried to do that:

set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH D:/develop/cmake/libs)

But when I try to find the library with

find_library(CURL_LIBRARY NAMES curl curllib libcurl_imp curllib_static)

CMake can't find it. When I set my prefix path to

set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH D:/develop/cmake/libs/curl)

... the library is located.

So my question is: How can I configure CMake properly to work with a directory structore at a custom location which looks like that:

-> libA
   -> include
   -> lib
-> libB
   -> include
   -> lib
-> ...
   -> include
   -> lib

In "include" lie the public headers and in "lib" are the compiled libraries.

Hope someone can help me - Thanks in advance

edit: The current workaround for me is, to do this before i search for libraries:

set(CUSTOM_LIBRARY_PATH D:/develop/cmake/libs)
file(GLOB sub-dir ${CUSTOM_LIBRARY_PATH}/*)
foreach(dir ${sub-dir})
    if(IS_DIRECTORY ${dir})

But that way the default module for boost wont find it until it because the directory structore of boost is a bit different.

boost -> include -> boost-1_50 -> *.hpp

When I move the content if "boost-1_50" to "include" the library can be found but that way it's not possible to handle multiple versions right?

I saw that two people put that question to their favorites so I will try to answer the solution which works for me: Instead of using find modules I'm writing configuration files for all libraries which are installed. Those files are extremly simple and can also be used to set non-standard variables. CMake will (at least on windows) search for those configuration files in


(which can be set through an environment variable). So for example the boost configuration is in the path


In that configuration you can set variables. My config file for boost looks like that:

set(boost_INCLUDE_DIRS ${boost_DIR}/include)
set(boost_LIBRARY_DIR ${boost_DIR}/lib)
foreach(component ${boost_FIND_COMPONENTS}) 
    set(boost_LIBRARIES ${boost_LIBRARIES} debug ${boost_LIBRARY_DIR}/libboost_${component}-vc110-mt-gd-1_50.lib)
    set(boost_LIBRARIES ${boost_LIBRARIES} optimized ${boost_LIBRARY_DIR}/libboost_${component}-vc110-mt-1_50.lib)
add_definitions( -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 )

Pretty straight forward + it's possible to shrink the size of the config files even more when you write some helper functions. The only issue I have with this setup is that I havn't found a way to give config files a priority over find modules - so you need to remove the find modules.

Hope this this is helpful for other people.