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Microsoft SQL数据类型

更新时间:2023-02-06 12:53:09

You could use either binary or varbinary for this purpose.

我建​​议varbinary 用于二进制字符串.这是将来版本中将支持的数据类型.
I''d suggest varbinary for binary strings. This is the datatype that''s going to be supported in future versions.


varbinary(max)变量存储大约n个字节的变长二进制数据.它们最多可以存储2 GB.
参考链接;- SQL Server中的二进制数据类型 [
binary(n) for fixed-length binary data of length and varbinary(max) which is used to store large binary values (BLOBs)

binary(n) variables store n bytes of fixed-size binary data. They may store a maximum of 8,000 bytes
varbinary(max) variables store variable-length binary data of approximately n bytes. They may store a maximum of 2 gigabytes.
Reference Link ;- Binary Data Types in SQL Server[^]