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在vc ++下使用makefile生成dll

更新时间:2023-02-07 13:01:00

我建​​议创建一个全新的项目.该项目的目标将是您所需的DLL.将您现有的源代码文件添加到项目中,然后就可以构建东西了.不过要考虑的一点是,通常EXE和DLL具有不同的入口点,并且通常DLL将导出函数,而EXE则不会.如果不对源文件进行更改,则完成此操作可能会很困难.祝你好运. :)
I''d recommend creating a brand new project. The target for the project would be the DLL that you require. Add your existing source code files to the project and things should build. Someting to consider though is that typically EXEs and DLLs have different entry points and usually DLLs will export functions while EXEs will not. Without changes to your source files, accomplishing this may proove difficult. Good Luck. :)