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SQL Server 2005 - 使用生成的序列而不是标识列?

更新时间:2023-02-07 13:18:27

是的,SQL 11 有 SEQUENCE 对象,参见 SQL Server v.Next (Denali):使用 SEQUENCE.

Yes, SQL 11 has SEQUENCE objects, see SQL Server v.Next (Denali) : Using SEQUENCE.

可以创建手动序列,但不推荐.制作序列生成器的技巧是在序列表上使用 UPDATE WITH OUTPUT.这是伪代码:

Creating manual sequences is possible, but not recommended. The trick to do a sequence generator is to use UPDATE WITH OUTPUT on a sequences table. Here is pseudo-code:

CREATE TABLE Sequences (
    Name sysname not null primary key, 
    Sequence bigint not null default 0);

    @name sysname,
    @value bigint output
    UPDATE Sequences
    SET Sequence = Sequence + 1
     OUTPUT @value = INSERTED.Sequence
    WHERE Name = @name;


I left out some details, but this is the general idea. However, there is a huge problem: any transaction requesting the next value on a sequence will lock that sequence until it commits, because it will place an update lock on the sequence value. This means that all transactions have to serialize after each other when inserting values and the performance degradation that results is unbearable in real production deployments.

我更希望您坚持使用 IDENTITY 类型.虽然并不完美,但它们远比您自己所能实现的要好得多.

I would much rather have you stick with the IDENTITY types. While not perfect, they are far better than what you can achieve on your own.