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如何将 CCAvenue 集成到 Ionic 应用程序?

更新时间:2023-02-07 14:36:57

最后,我能够将 CCavenue 集成到我的 Ionic 应用程序中.您必须执行以下操作

Finally I was able to integrate CCavenue on my Ionic app. You have to do the following

  • 默认情况下,ccavenue 会阻止所有 IP 地址显示付款页面除了用户注册的网址.
  • 首先检查应用程序在通过 ionic serve 运行时正在使用的 ip 地址,请求ccavenue 支持将该ip 和端口8100 或任何您的应用程序列入白名单正在使用.
  • 一旦您将 ip 列入白名单,现在您必须确保 inappbrowser plugin 已安装在 ionic 中,现在您必须使用 这个方法
  • By default ccavenue blocks all ip addresses from showing payment page except the url by which user has registered.
  • First check what ip address is being used by the app while run through ionic serve , ask the ccavenue support to whitelist that ip and also port 8100 or whatever your app is using.
  • Once you've whitelisted the ip now you have to make sure that inappbrowser plugin is installed in the ionic now you have to submit the payment form to another window by using this method


I hope it will help many.