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如何在 SQL Server 2005 中转换时区?

更新时间:2023-02-07 14:49:44

由于 SQL Server 没有为此提供开箱即用的支持,您可以考虑编写一个 .Net dll 存储过程,它利用了 .Net TimeZoneInfo 对象,该对象考虑了包括夏令时在内的所有规则.这个类也允许您将时间从一个区域转换到另一个区域.我希望这会有所帮助.

Since SQL Server doesn't provide out of the box support for this, you might consider writing a .Net dll stored procedure, that makes use of the .Net TimeZoneInfo object , this object takes all rules including DST into consideration. This class allows you to convert time from one zone to another too. I hope this helps.

DateTime hwTime = new DateTime(2007, 02, 01, 08, 00, 00);
   TimeZoneInfo hwZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Hawaiian Standard Time");
   Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} is {2} local time.", 
           hwZone.IsDaylightSavingTime(hwTime) ? hwZone.DaylightName : hwZone.StandardName, 
           TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(hwTime, hwZone, TimeZoneInfo.Local));
catch (TimeZoneNotFoundException)
   Console.WriteLine("The registry does not define the Hawaiian Standard Time zone.");
catch (InvalidTimeZoneException)
   Console.WriteLine("Registry data on the Hawaiian STandard Time zone has been corrupted.");

教程创建简单的 .Net DLL 存储过程.
