
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事

我想开始用C ++开发游戏

更新时间:2023-02-07 19:36:50

学习c ++和OpenGL编程(OpenGL-开放的图形库,它只是一个API,将提供绘制基本几何图形的功能.您会发现大量示例代码并可以在Internet中提供帮助....通过opengl不会提供窗口和用户界面支持的方式,有很多开放源代码库可供使用.使用GLUT,这是较新鲜的***选择...祝您好运...
Learn c++ and OpenGL programming (OpenGL-Open Graphics library, It is just an API which will provide function to draw basic geometries). You will find enormous number of example code and helps in internet.... By the way opengl will not provide windowing and user interface support, there are lot of open source libraries are available for that. Use GLUT this the best option for the fresher... Good Luck...

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