
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-07 22:59:46

这是VBA代码 - C#不使用DAO对象它使用SqlConnection,SqlCommand,SqlDataAdapter及其ODBC等价物等。

没有直接将该代码转换为SQL:没有RecordSet。 NET

That's VBA code - C# doesn't use DAO objects, it uses SqlConnection, SqlCommand, SqlDataAdapter, and their ODBC equivalents, among others.

There is no direct translation of that code to SQL: there is no RecordSet in .NET

Instead, you will need to rewrite it for .NET, using .NET classes. Or find .NET based code that does something similar.


This should help you:

<pre>        private void updateLastLineItem1() {
            Private Sub updateLastLineItem()
                Dim rsLastItem As DAO.Recordset
                Dim rsPO As DAO.Recordset
                Set rsLastItem = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qry_PO_Networks_LastLineItem")
                Set rsPO = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tbl_PO_Infos")

                If Not rsLastItem.EOF Then
                    Do While Not (rsLastItem.EOF)
                        rsPO.FindFirst "[PONumber] = '" & rsLastItem!PONumber & "'"
                        If Not rsPO.NoMatch Then
                            rsPO!LastLineItemSAP = rsLastItem![MaxOfLineItem]
                            rsPO!LastLineItemCMA = rsLastItem![MaxOfLineItem]
                        End If
                End If
                Set rsLastItem = Nothing
                Set rsPO = Nothing
            End Sub

            // connecting to the database
            // using a DataAdapter or DataReader
            //encrypting/decrypting connection strings in a web.config or app.config file

            //connection strings sometimes contain a backslash "\" character so you might need the "@" prefix to ensure the "\" is treated as a string literal instead of an escape character sequence (e.g. "\r" = carriage return in many c-like languages)
            System.String connectionString = @"server=localhost;integrated security=true;database=pubs";

            //NOTE: if you are not using a ms sql server database, try using System.Data.OleDb instead of System.Data.SqlClient

            // putting our c# code in a using statement ensures the connection is closed and resources are disposed with no memory leaks
            using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection sqlConnection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString))
                //open the sql connection to the ms sql server database

                //declare a new SqlCommand object
                System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand qry_PO_Networks_LastLineItem;
                //instantiate a new SqlCommand object
                qry_PO_Networks_LastLineItem = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand();
                //set the Connection, CommandType and CommandText properties
                qry_PO_Networks_LastLineItem.Connection = sqlConnection;//our active "using" connection
                qry_PO_Networks_LastLineItem.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;//change this when using a literal SQL string instead of a stored procedure
                qry_PO_Networks_LastLineItem.CommandText = "qry_PO_Networks_LastLineItem";//the name of the stored procedure or literal SQL string as applicable

                //declare and instantiate a new System.Data.SqlDataAdapter object in one line
                System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand tbl_PO_Infos = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand();
                //set the Connection, CommandType and CommandText properties
                tbl_PO_Infos.Connection = sqlConnection;//our active "using" connection
                tbl_PO_Infos.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;//change this when using a literal SQL string instead of a stored procedure
                tbl_PO_Infos.CommandText = "tbl_PO_Infos";//the name of the stored procedure or literal SQL string as applicable

                //declare and instantiate a new System.Data.SqlDataAdapter object in one line
                System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter rsLastItemSqlDataAdapter  = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(qry_PO_Networks_LastLineItem);
                //we could again declare and instantiate a new System.Data.SqlDataAdapter object in one line
                //System.Data.SqlDataAdapter rsPOSqlDataAdapter = new System.Data.SqlDataAdapter("tbl_PO_Infos", sqlConnection);
                //but for clarity we use two lines
                //declare a new SQLDataAdapter object
                System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter rsPOSqlDataAdapter;
                //instantiate a new SQLDataAdapter object passing in the name of the stored procedure and sql connection object
                rsPOSqlDataAdapter = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(tbl_PO_Infos);

                //an ADO Recordset object most closely resemembles an ADO.NET DataTable object
                //declare and instantiate a new System.Data.DataTable object
                System.Data.DataTable rsLastItem = new System.Data.DataTable();
                //we could again declare and instantiate a new System.Data.DataTable object
                //System.Data.DataTable rsPO = new System.Data.DataTable();
                //but again for clarity we use two line
                //declare a new DataTable object
                System.Data.DataTable rsPO;
                //instantiate a new DataTable object
                rsPO = new System.Data.DataTable();

                //fill the DataTable object named rsLastItem with the results from running the assigned stored procedure sql command "qry_PO_Networks_LastLineItem"

                //fill the DataTable object named rsPO with the results from running the assigned stored procedure sql command "tbl_PO_Infos"

                //we could use a foreach loop
                //foreach (System.Data.DataRow rsLastItemDataRow in rsLastItem.Rows){ foreach (System.Data.DataRow rsPODataRow in rsLastItem.Rows){} }

                //or we can use a traditional for loop or while loop
                System.Int32 numberOfRowsInRsLastItemDataTable = rsLastItem.Rows.Count;
                System.Int32 currentRowNumberInRsLastItemDataTable = 0;

                System.Int32 numberOfRowsInRsPODataTable = rsPO.Rows.Count;
                System.Int32 currentRowNumberInRsPODataTable = 0;

                while (currentRowNumberInRsLastItemDataTable < numberOfRowsInRsLastItemDataTable)
                    while (currentRowNumberInRsPODataTable < numberOfRowsInRsPODataTable)
                        if (rsLastItem.Rows[currentRowNumberInRsLastItemDataTable]["PONumber"] != rsPO.Rows[currentRowNumberInRsPODataTable]["PONumber"]) {
                            rsPO.Rows[currentRowNumberInRsPODataTable]["LastLineItemSAP"] = rsLastItem.Rows[currentRowNumberInRsLastItemDataTable]["MaxOfLineItem"];
                            rsPO.Rows[currentRowNumberInRsPODataTable]["LastLineItemCMA"] = rsLastItem.Rows[currentRowNumberInRsLastItemDataTable]["MaxOfLineItem"];
                        //same thing as currentRowNumberInRsPODataTable = currentRowNumberInRsPODataTable + 1;
                        currentRowNumberInRsPODataTable += 1;
                    //same thing as currentRowNumberInRsLastItemDataTable +=1;
                    currentRowNumberInRsLastItemDataTable = currentRowNumberInRsLastItemDataTable + 1;
                //utilize the automated update mechansism
                System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder sqlCommandBuilder = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(rsPOSqlDataAdapter);
                rsPOSqlDataAdapter.AcceptChangesDuringUpdate = true;
                //update the database






