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更新时间:2023-02-08 18:31:54


If the array actually contains a bitmap file, then you can just save the bytes as a file:

File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, imageData);


If the array contains only raw pixel data, you can create a Bitmap object using the data:

unsafe {
   fixed (byte* ptr = imageData) {
      using (Bitmap image = new Bitmap(width, height, stride, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, new IntPtr(ptr))) {

步幅值是扫描线之间的字节数。如果在扫描行之间没有空白,它的宽* 3 为和24bpp格式。

The stride value is the number of bytes between the scan lines. If there is no padding between the scan lines, it's width * 3 for a 24bpp format.


This method uses the data in the array without creating another copy of the entire image in memory (which is why it needs the stride value).

如果位图数据被存储颠倒的阵列中,在步幅值应该是负的,和指针应该在存储器中的最后的扫描线的开始( PTR +步速*(高 - 1)。

If the bitmap data is stored upside down in the array, the stride value should be negative, and the pointer should be the start of the last scan line in memory (ptr + stride * (height - 1)).