
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-08 22:57:19


This is currently not directly supported by NuGet out of the box. You can follow this GitHub issue for updates.


However, there are a few ways to create such NuGet package.

  1. 使用"Nugetizer 3000"

这是一个新开发的工具,用于从项目中构建NuGet软件包,并且可以通过安装NuGet.Build.Packaging nuget软件包来工作.您可以在其GitHub Wiki页面上找到一些文档,但是由于它是一个非常新的项目,因此关于它的文档或社区知识还很少(!)(但是开发它的团队非常有帮助,您可以归档GitHub问题,如果您卡住了.

This is an newly developed tool to build NuGet packages from projects and works by installing the NuGet.Build.Packaging nuget package. You can find some documentation on it on its GitHub wiki page but since it is a very new project, there isn't much documentation or community knowledge around it yet(!) (but the team developing it is very helpful, you could file GitHub issues if you get stuck).

  1. 在项目中添加自定义目标(2.0.0工具/VS 2017 15.3+):在csproj中创建一个项目,其中将包括所引用项目的输出DLL


This approach is very hacky as it relies on an internal MSBuild item that the pack targets use. It works by first marking the <ProjectReference> to not be referenced from the created nuget package like this:

<ProjectReference Include="..\libA\libA.csproj" PrivateAssets="All"/>


Then you can add this to the project to include the generated libA.dll in the nuget package:

<Target Name="IncludeP2PAssets">
    <BuildOutputInPackage Include="$(OutputPath)\testprivatelib.dll" />


Note that this requires you to add all the <PackageReference> items of the referenced project to the project you generate the package from since they would be missing from the generated package since you effectively disabled the transitive reference behaviour.

  1. 创建自定义.nuspec文件

在撰写本文时,这可能是最受支持"的方式,也是最复杂的方式. NuGet允许您通过在项目中设置<NuspecFile>属性以及<NuspecProperties>属性来禁用生成的.nuspec文件的自动生成和文件的自动收集,该属性允许您传递替换令牌以解析文件.

At the time of writing, this is probably the most "supported" way, but also the most complex. NuGet allows you to disable the automatic generation of the resulting .nuspec file and automatic collection of files by setting the <NuspecFile> property in your project, along with a <NuspecProperties> property that allows you to pass replacement tokens for parsing the .nuspec file.


This works by modifying the project file like this:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
    <ProjectReference Include="..\LibB\LibB.csproj" />

  <Target Name="SetNuspecProperties" BeforeTargets="GenerateNuspec">

这将自动查找与项目名称相同的.nuspec文件(somelib.csproj => somelib.nuspec),并将一些属性传递给该文件.这些属性是在目标中创建的,以便能够访问完全解析的默认属性,例如PackageVersion.

This will automatically look for a .nuspec file with the same name as the project (somelib.csproj => somelib.nuspec) and pass some properties along to it. The properties are created in a target in order to be able to access fully resolved and defaulted properties like PackageVersion.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2012/06/nuspec.xsd">
      <group targetFramework=".NETStandard1.4">
        <dependency id="NETStandard.Library" version="1.6.1" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />
    <file src="bin\$config$\netstandard1.4\*.dll" target="lib\netstandard1.4\" />

请注意,您必须将所有引用的NuGet软件包作为<dependency>元素添加到.nuspec文件中,因为它们不再由项目文件中的<PackageReference>项自动生成.请参考 NuSpec参考有关更多详细信息.

Note that you must add all referenced NuGet packages as a <dependency> element in the .nuspec file since these are no longer automatically generated from the <PackageReference> items in your project file. Refer to the NuSpec Reference for more details.


I have recently created an example project on GitHub demonstrating the use of a custom .nuspec file for exactly this purpose.