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如何在Azure Portal中使用存储的访问策略为Azure Blob容器创建共享访问签名?

更新时间:2023-02-08 23:14:40

如何使用存储的访问策略创建共享访问签名 在Azure Portal中访问Azure Blob容器?

How do I create a shared access signature with a stored access policy for an Azure Blob container in Azure Portal?

您的问题的简单答案是,到今天为止,您无法使用Azure Portal中的存储的访问策略来创建共享访问签名(SAS).此功能尚不存在.实际上,到目前为止,门户网站上还没有在blob容器上创建SAS的功能.您只能使用Azure门户创建帐户级SAS.

Simple answer to your question is that as of today you can't create a shared access signature (SAS) using a stored access policy in Azure Portal. This feature is not there yet. In fact, feature to create a SAS on a blob container is not there on the portal as of yet. You could only create account level SAS using Azure Portal.

如果需要使用存储的访问策略在容器上创建SAS,请使用Microsoft Storage Explorer工具(或任何其他支持Blob管理的存储资源管理器工具).使用此工具,您可以在容器上创建SAS时指定存储的访问策略.

If you need to create a SAS on a container using a stored access policy, please use Microsoft Storage Explorer tool (or any other storage explorer tool that has support for blobs management). Using this tool you will be able to specify a stored access policy when creating a SAS on the container.