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当指定条件!= null时,Automapper无法正确映射null列表成员

更新时间:2023-02-09 12:51:59


This should work but I'm not sure if you want to micro manage it like that:

cfg.AllowNullCollections = true;
cfg.CreateMap<GeneralInfo, GeneralInfo>()
    .ForMember(x => x.PersonList, opts => opts.PreCondition((src) => src.PersonList != null));


Problem is the collections that are handled specifically (that's true for most mappers though AutoMapper is a bit weird in this case, it's not my favorite) and seem to require the destination collection to be initialized. As I can see, collections are not copied in entirety which makes sense, but you need to initialize and copy individual items (this is my deduction but does sound right).


I.e. even if you skip the source, destination would still end up reinitialized (empty).


Problem as it seems is the Condition which is, given their documentation, applied at some later point, at which time the destination has already been initialized.


PreCondition on the other hand has a different signature to be used like you intended, as it doesn't take actual values, just source is available.

唯一可行的解​​决方案是使用每个成员" PreCondition(如上所述).

The only solution that seems to work is to use "per member" PreCondition (like the above).


...or this (using the ForAllMembers), but a bit ugly, reflection etc.

cfg.CreateMap<GeneralInfo, GeneralInfo>()
.ForAllMembers(opts =>
        opts.PreCondition((src, context) =>
            // we can do this as you have a mapping in between the same types and no special handling
            // (i.e. destination member is the same as the source property)
            var property = opts.DestinationMember as System.Reflection.PropertyInfo;
            if (property == null) throw new InvalidOperationException();
            var value = property.GetValue(src);
            return value != null;


...but there doesn't seem to be any cleaner support for this.



Conditional mapping to existing collection doesn't work from version 5.2.0 #1918


As pointed out in the comment (by @LucianBargaoanu), this seems to be a bug really, as it's inconsistent in this 'corner' case (though I wouldn't agree on that, it's a pretty typical scenario) when mapping collections and passing the destination. And it pretty much renders the Condition useless in this case as the destination is already initialized/cleared.

确实唯一的解决方案似乎是PreCondition(但是由于签名不同而存在问题,我个人不确定为什么它们也不会将相同的过多参数传递给PreCondition? ).

The only solution indeed seems to be the PreCondition (but it has issues given the different signature, I'm personally not sure why they don't pass the same plethora of parameters into the PreCondition as well?).




