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更新时间:2023-02-09 20:17:42

从Firebase实时数据库(即从特定节点)获取数据时,您将在包括子集合(如果有)的位置下载整个数据. 请参阅Firebase文档以获取值

While fetching data from firebase real time database (i.e from particular node) you will download entire data at the location including the child collection if you have. See firebase doc for listening values


There are two ways you can avoid the profile_picture

  1. 在将响应返回到https调用时,您可以消除个人资料图片密钥.
  2. 否则,如果在下载合作伙伴树时不愿意,则将个人资料图片放在其他树中.



var partner = admin.database().ref().child('partner');
partner.on("value", function (snapshot) {
    res.status(200).json({ partner: snapshot.val() }); 
    // don't simply return like this. Instead follow like below
   var partners = [] ; // create a partners array
      var p = childSnap.val();
      p.id = childSnap.key // this will the id of the each child inside the partner tree
      delete p.profilePicture;
      partners.push(p); // 
  res.status(200).json({ partner: partners }); 
}, function (errorObject) {
    console.log("The read failed: " + errorObject.code);


If you do like below you can eliminate the profile picture key from the https response. But keep one thing mind, anyway you'll download all data from the tree.



To do this, you need to change the method which adds the data to the partners tree. Let me explain this.


For Example : While adding the partners data put the profile_picture in some other like partnerDetails tree.

var partnerKey = firebase.database().ref('partner').push().key;
var partnerUpdate = {};
partnerUpdate['partner/' + partnerKey] = partner; // parnter Object without profilepicture
partnerUpdate['partnerDetails/' + partnerKey + 'profilePicture'] = profilePicture; 
// the partnerKey must be same for the both the tree because it's the associated key for both of them. 

firebase.database().ref().update(partnerUpdate) // this is called multipath update


So after doing like this you wont have the profile picture in the partner tree. I hope you list the partners tree in the client and click one of the partner from the list which will display the entire details. If you doing so, you can pass the partners key (i.e.associated key) and get the partners profile picture to do so,

firebase.database().ref('/partnerDetails/' + partnerId).on('value').then(function(partDetailSnap){
  // here you will get the profile_picture of the partner. 


Cloud Functions will be really fast. Unless it needs cold start. You can do same for the some other fields like i did it for the profile picture using step 2 or 1.


Hope this gives some idea. Feel free to ask more.