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如何在c ++中获取数组中所有组合的产品总和?

更新时间:2023-02-10 08:09:30









Looks very much like homework to me.

A straight forward approach would do the job, but is not really the best method.

1. Manually find all possible combinations.
2. Write the code for each combination to do the sum.
3. Sum all sums and print (or whatever it is you want to do)

This works only if you have a known number of elements in the array and it is not particularly elegant, but if you need to finish the work quickly you can do it that way.
However, this is a good step to do with a limited amount of elements and can be used to verify your answers later on.

A better approach is to find out how to do it in a loop and have one case for each combination in the loop. It will work for any number of elements in an array.
The trick is to find the correct algorithm for each case.





4.定义一个函数通过I / O查询问题参数,或者从命令行读取它们


I'd say the key to put this problem into code is finding and iterating over each subset of N elements from a set of M numbers. I'm not going to deliver a full solution, since this appears to be homework, but this is how I'd go about it:

1. Define a function that picks the first N elements and add them to a container or suitable result type (struct, whatever)
2. Define a function that, given the last subset, produces the next subset of elements (that is why it is important to store the entire subset of numbers explicitely in step 1). Obviously you need to think of a way to derive a new subset from the previous one in such a way that you will traverse all possible combinations.
3. Define a function to calculate the product from a given subset, and (possibly in a separate function) to cumulate all products.
4. Define a function to query the problem parameters via I/O, or read them from command line
5. Define the main function that binds all of the above together.

I suggest you first try the program on trivial sets of just 1 and 2 numbers, where you can manually calculate and verify the expected results. This will help you weed out trivial errors.

最难的部分是生成组合,这通常是通过递归方法完成的。 Stack Overflow上的一个很好的解释:创建所有可能的k C ++中的n个项目的组合 [ ^ ]。
The hardest part is generating the combinations, that's usually done with a recursive approach. A nice explanation at Stack Overflow: "creating all possible k combinations of n items in C++"[^].