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如何将同一列添加到 EF Core 中的所有实体?

更新时间:2023-02-10 12:48:54


Your question title is about adding the same properties to multiple entities. However, you actually know how to achieve this (use a base type) and your actual question is how to ensure that these properties come last in the generated tables' columns.


Although column order shouldn't really matter nowadays, I'll show an alternative that you may like better than a base type and also positions the common properties at the end of the table. It makes use of shadow properties:

阴影属性是未在 .NET 实体类中定义但在 EF Core 模型中为该实体类型定义的属性.

Shadow properties are properties that are not defined in your .NET entity class but are defined for that entity type in the EF Core model.


Most of the times, auditing properties don't need much visibility in the application, so I think shadow properties is exactly what you need. Here's an example:


public class Planet
    public Planet()
        Moons = new HashSet<Moon>();
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public virtual ICollection<Moon> Moons { get; set; }

public class Moon
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public int PlanetID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Planet Planet { get; set; }

如您所见:它们没有审计属性,它们是非常吝啬和精益的 POCO.(顺便说一下,为了方便起见,我将 IsDeleted 与审计属性"混为一谈,虽然它不是一个,它可能需要另一种方法.

As you see: they don't have auditing properties, they're nicely mean and lean POCOs. (By the way, for convenience I lump IsDeleted together with "audit properties", although it isn't one and it may require another approach).

也许这就是这里的主要信息:类模型不会被审计问题所困扰(单一责任),这是 EF 的全部业务.

And maybe that's the main message here: the class model isn't bothered with auditing concerns (single responsibility), it's all EF's business.

审计属性作为影子属性添加.因为我们想为每个实体都这样做,所以我们定义了一个基本的 IEntityTypeConfiguration:

The audit properties are added as shadow properties. Since we want to do that for each entity we define a base IEntityTypeConfiguration:

public abstract class BaseEntityTypeConfiguration<T> : IEntityTypeConfiguration<T>
    where T : class
    public virtual void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<T> builder)


The concrete configurations are derived from this base class:

public class PlanetConfig : BaseEntityTypeConfiguration<Planet>
    public override void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Planet> builder)
        builder.Property(p => p.ID).ValueGeneratedOnAdd();
        // Follows the default convention but added to make a difference :)
        builder.HasMany(p => p.Moons)
            .WithOne(m => m.Planet)
            .HasForeignKey(m => m.PlanetID);

public class MoonConfig : BaseEntityTypeConfiguration<Moon>
    public override void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Moon> builder)
        builder.Property(p => p.ID).ValueGeneratedOnAdd();

这些应该添加到 OnModelCreating 中的上下文模型中:

These should be added to the context's model in OnModelCreating:

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
    modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new PlanetConfig());
    modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new MoonConfig());

这将生成在末尾具有 InsertDateTimeIsDeletedUpdateDateTime 列的数据库表(独立于 base.Configure(builder) 被调用,顺便说一句),尽管按 那个 顺序(字母顺序).我想这已经足够接近了.

This will generate database tables having columns InsertDateTime, IsDeleted and UpdateDateTime at the end (independent of when base.Configure(builder) is called, BTW), albeit in that order (alphabetical). I guess that's close enough.

为了使图片完整,以下是在 SaveChanges 覆盖中完全自动设置值的方法:

To make the picture complete, here's how to set the values fully automatically in a SaveChanges override:

public override int SaveChanges()
    foreach(var entry in this.ChangeTracker.Entries()
        .Where(e => e.Properties.Any(p => p.Metadata.Name == "UpdateDateTime")
                 && e.State != Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Added))
        entry.Property("UpdateDateTime").CurrentValue = DateTime.Now;
    return base.SaveChanges();


Small detail: I make sure that when an entity is inserted the database defaults set both fields (see above: ValueGeneratedOnAdd(), and hence the exclusion of added entities) so there won't be confusing differences caused by client clocks being slightly off. I assume that updating will always be well later.

并且要设置 IsDeleted,您可以将此方法添加到上下文中:

And to set IsDeleted you could add this method to the context:

public void MarkForDelete<T>(T entity)
    where T : class
    var entry = this.Entry(entity);
    // TODO: check entry.State
    if(entry.Properties.Any(p => p.Metadata.Name == "IsDeleted"))
        entry.Property("IsDeleted").CurrentValue = true;
        entry.State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Deleted;

...或者转向其中一种提议的机制,将 EntityState.Deleted 转换为 IsDeleted = true.

...or turn to one of the proposed mechanisms out there to convert EntityState.Deleted to IsDeleted = true.