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更新时间:2023-02-10 15:51:17

import numpy as np

def sampler(samples, sum_to , range_list):
    assert range_list[0]<range_list[1], "Range should be a list, the first element of which is smaller than the second"
    arr = np.random.rand(samples)
    sum_arr = sum(arr)

    new_arr = np.array([int((item/sum_arr)*sum_to) if (int((item/sum_arr)*sum_to)>range_list[0]and int((item/sum_arr)*sum_to)<range_list[1]) \
                            else np.random.choice(range(range_list[0],range_list[1]+1)) for item in arr])
    difference = sum(new_arr) - sum_to
    while difference != 0:
        if difference < 0 :
                for idx in np.random.choice(range(len(new_arr)),abs(difference)):
                    if new_arr[idx] != range_list[1] :
                        new_arr[idx] +=  1

        if difference > 0:
                for idx in np.random.choice(range(len(new_arr)), abs(difference)):
                    if new_arr[idx] != 0 and new_arr[idx] != range_list[0] :
                        new_arr[idx] -= 1
        difference = sum(new_arr) - sum_to
    return new_arr

new_arr = sampler (2872,30000,[5,15])
print "Generated random array is :"
print new_arr
print "Length of array:", len(new_arr)
print "Max of array: ", max(new_arr)
print "min of array: ", min(new_arr)
print "and it sums up to %d" %sum(new_arr)


Generated random array is :
[ 9 10  9 ...,  6 15 11]
Length of array: 2872
Max of array:  15
min of array:  5
and it sums up to 30000