
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-12 09:00:52

我将如何解决这个问题Tcl将确保checkbutton,spinbox和radiobutton widgets都与数组变量相关联。然后,我会在数组上放置一个跟踪,这将导致每次写入变量时调用函数。 Tcl令人无聊。

How I would solve this in Tcl would be to make sure that the checkbutton, spinbox and radiobutton widgets are all associated with an array variable. I would then put a trace on the array which would cause a function to be called each time that variable is written. Tcl makes this trivial.


Unfortunately Tkinter doesn't support working with Tcl arrays. Fortunately, it's fairly easy to hack in. If you're adventurous, try the following code.


From the full disclosure department: I threw this together this morning in about half an hour. I haven't actually used this technique in any real code. I couldn't resist the challenge, though, to figure out how to use arrays with Tkinter.

import Tkinter as tk

class MyApp(tk.Tk):
    '''Example app that uses Tcl arrays'''

    def __init__(self):


        self.arrayvar = ArrayVar()
        self.labelvar = tk.StringVar()

        rb1 = tk.Radiobutton(text="one", variable=self.arrayvar("radiobutton"), value=1)
        rb2 = tk.Radiobutton(text="two", variable=self.arrayvar("radiobutton"), value=2)
        cb = tk.Checkbutton(text="checked?", variable=self.arrayvar("checkbutton"), 
                             onvalue="on", offvalue="off")
        entry = tk.Entry(textvariable=self.arrayvar("entry"))
        label = tk.Label(textvariable=self.labelvar)
        spinbox = tk.Spinbox(from_=1, to=11, textvariable=self.arrayvar("spinbox"))
        button = tk.Button(text="click to print contents of array", command=self.OnDump)

        for widget in (cb, rb1, rb2, spinbox, entry, button, label):
            widget.pack(anchor="w", padx=10)

        self.labelvar.set("Click on a widget to see this message change")
        self.arrayvar["entry"] = "something witty"
        self.arrayvar["radiobutton"] = 2
        self.arrayvar["checkbutton"] = "on"
        self.arrayvar["spinbox"] = 11

        self.arrayvar.trace(mode="w", callback=self.OnTrace)

    def OnDump(self):
        '''Print the contents of the array'''
        print self.arrayvar.get()

    def OnTrace(self, varname, elementname, mode):
        '''Show the new value in a label'''
        self.labelvar.set("%s changed; new value='%s'" % (elementname, self.arrayvar[elementname]))

class ArrayVar(tk.Variable):
    '''A variable that works as a Tcl array variable'''

    _default = {}
    _elementvars = {}

    def __del__(self):
        for elementvar in self._elementvars:
            del elementvar

    def __setitem__(self, elementname, value):
        if elementname not in self._elementvars:
            v = ArrayElementVar(varname=self._name, elementname=elementname, master=self._master)
            self._elementvars[elementname] = v

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        if name in self._elementvars:
            return self._elementvars[name].get()
        return None

    def __call__(self, elementname):
        '''Create a new StringVar as an element in the array'''
        if elementname not in self._elementvars:
            v = ArrayElementVar(varname=self._name, elementname=elementname, master=self._master)
            self._elementvars[elementname] = v
        return self._elementvars[elementname]

    def set(self, dictvalue):
        # this establishes the variable as an array 
        # as far as the Tcl interpreter is concerned
        self._master.eval("array set {%s} {}" % self._name) 

        for (k, v) in dictvalue.iteritems():
            self._tk.call("array","set",self._name, k, v)

    def get(self):
        '''Return a dictionary that represents the Tcl array'''
        value = {}
        for (elementname, elementvar) in self._elementvars.iteritems():
            value[elementname] = elementvar.get()
        return value

class ArrayElementVar(tk.StringVar):
    '''A StringVar that represents an element of an array'''
    _default = ""

    def __init__(self, varname, elementname, master):
        self._master = master
        self._tk = master.tk
        self._name = "%s(%s)" % (varname, elementname)

    def __del__(self):
        """Unset the variable in Tcl."""

if __name__ == "__main__":