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更新时间:2023-02-12 17:27:06


Filters are created natively by the range being in an Excel table, or maybe by Filter button on Excel interface. As Joshua said you can try and script this in VBA, but it seems by your question tags that you are using C# and Excel-Interop(??)


Try using the range object handle in your C# code and applying .Autofilter method.

object result = (object)oRange.AutoFilter(1, System.Reflection.Missing.Value,ExApp.XlAutoFilterOperator.xlAnd,System.Reflection.Missing.Value, true);


where above ExApp is my alias for the Interop.Excel namespace.

关于开发人员"标签,请在Google上为您的Excel版本查看自定义功能区"选项.右键单击功能区,或者File-> Options--etc

As for Developer tab, look at the Customize Ribbon option on google for your Excel version. Rightclick ribbon maybe, or File-->Options--etc



Ok so to amend the sort and filter properties of a pivotfield, you need to grab the handle to the pivotField, e.g if your 'Month' Filter was in cell D5, you could do something like:

Range oRange = oSheet.get_Range("D5", "D5");
PivotField pf = oRange.PivotField;
pf.AutoSort((int)XlSortOrder.xlDescending, "Month");   //this sorts in reverse order            
pf.PivotItems(2).Visible = false;   //this makes the second item deselected in filter