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未配置 Google Calendar API v3 访问权限

更新时间:2023-02-14 13:09:00

Using Google's Calendar API frustrated me for a couple of hours, and I want to document an overly complete (beyond the scope of this question) answer from a few sources for anyone else who may be having difficulty.

First, if you're like me, you got the public address from your calendar's settings:

For my public calendar, that XML link was this; but the data was messy and, I think, represented an older version of the API. After searching around a bit, I found the correct URL structure for the v3 API: https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/dl9fj86o2ohe7o823s7jar920s%40group.calendar.google.com/events?key={API_KEY}.

But like this question, I was getting an error. Do the following:

1. Create a project

Do that by going to the Google Developer Console and clicking Create Project. I was confused by this because my application is entirely front-end, and I didn't think I needed Google Developer project. I was wrong; I needed a project to perform the next steps.

2. Create an API key for your project

After creating the project, click on the project name and navigate to APIs & auth > Credentials. Under "Public API access", click Create new key > {KEY_TYPE} > Create; in my case {KEY_TYPE} was Browser key since I have an entirely front-end application. Skip filling in referers for now. This should create you an API key that you insert into the URL above (where it says {API_KEY}.

3. Add referers

If you've made it this far, you should see the error OP was talking about. The reason you get this error is that even though the calendar is public, Google only allows requests from specified domains. So I could publish my calendar's ID and even my API key, and another developer would not be able to access my calendar programmatically without me allowing that.

To resolve this, click Edit allowed referers—under APIs & auth > Credentials—and add (1) the name of the domain that will be making the request to the API and (2) if you're developing locally http://localhost:{PORT}/*. Make sure you add the wildcard at the end.

4. Make an HTTP request from an allowed domain

After all of this configuration, you'll still get an error if you just paste the URL into your browser. This is because the request has to come from one of the domains you just allowed. Just make the request from whatever application you're building. In my case, the JavaScript (jQuery) looks like this:

    type: 'GET',
    url: {MY_URL},
    success: function(data) {
        // Throw a debugger statement in here,
        // and you should be able to inspect your data.