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如何传递一个类方法作为另一个函数的参数在C ++和OpenGL?

更新时间:2023-02-14 16:56:02

首先,在非静态成员函数中有一个隐含的this指针,将 ClassBlah 中的 void myDisplay()更改为静态。解决这个限制是很尴尬的,这就是为什么C ++ faq lite说不要这样做

Firstly, there is an implicit "this" pointer in non-static member functions, so you'll need to change your void myDisplay() in ClassBlah to be static. It's awkward to work around this limitation, which is why the C++ faq lite says don't do it

然后,您应该能够传递 ClassBlah :: myDisplay

Then, you should be able to pass the functions as ClassBlah::myDisplay.


Depending on your motivation for overloading (ie are you going to hotswap implementations in and out at runtime, or only at compile time?) you might consider a utility "handler" static class that contains a pointer to your base class, and delegates responsibility through that.