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返回类型为HttpResponseMessage时,Web Api Get()路由不起作用

更新时间:2023-02-15 11:27:58


Found the cause! I had created a blank api controller as per the template which worked. Cue a bit of copy/pasting to narrow down the cause. It's subtle and the code that I posted worked because I changed the variable names for posting publicly - which was ultimately the cause of the issue. Go figure.


To replicate, create your template as per normal. This will create a method;

public string Get(int id)


public string Get(int personID)


And try to run. You'll get the error described as above. It seems that the declaration of the Get/Post/etc parameters MUST match that specified in the routing. If you change the parameter to "personID" as I did, you can fix by either renaming your parameter back to the default "id" or modifying your routing with the updating name;

    name: "ControllerAndId",
    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{personID}",
    defaults: null,
    constraints: new { personID = @"^\d+$" } // Only integers 

请注意routeTemplate和约束参数中的"{personID}".此字段的名称必须与您的参数名称匹配.在查找如何下载文件或仅查看Web API时,它从未在文档中真正说过这一点.在深入探讨路由/mvc时,可能会这样做,但是我不得不说,这很容易使不熟悉的n00b跳闸.请注意,我经验丰富的同事也没有发现:-).我希望这可以帮助其他痛苦的人!

Note the "{personID}" in the routeTemplate and constraint parameters. The name of this field MUST match that of the name of your parameter. It never actually says this in the doc when looking up how to download files or just generally looking at web api. It probably does when going into a high level of detail on routing/mvc but I have to say that this easily trips up a n00b not familiar with either. Mind you, my more experienced collegues didn't spot this either :-). I hope this helps others with the same pain!