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有结构体"快"不是类 - 总体上还是在.NET框架?

更新时间:2023-02-15 20:14:11


(updated, thanks to contributions from other users)


Unlike class, struct is created on stack. So, it is faster to instantiate (and destroy) a struct than a class.


Unless (as Adam Robinson pointed out) struct is a class member in which case it is allocated in heap, along with everything else.


On the other hand, every time you assign a structure or pass it to a function, it gets copied.

我不认为有一个结构大小的硬性限制。千字节肯定是太多了。 MSDN

I don't think there's a hard limit for a struct size. Thousands of bytes is definitely too much. MSDN says:

除非你需要引用类型   语义,一类是小   大于16字节可以更有效地   通过该系统处理为一个结构。

Unless you need reference type semantics, a class that is smaller than 16 bytes may be more efficiently handled by the system as a struct.

这是 - 如果你需要按引用传递这使它成为一个类,无论大小击>


On the second thought, you can still pass struct by reference simply by specifying ref in the function parameter list.


So, a large struct can actually be ok if you pass it by reference and use as a class member.