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使用Cookie身份验证的ASP.NET Core 2.0自定义中间件

更新时间:2023-02-16 10:46:08


Short answer: you should use a custom AuthorizationHandler to authenticate & retrieve claims.

长答案:使用ASP.NET CORE,您应该远离身份验证中间件.相反,您应该使用AuthenticationHandler microsoft

Long answer: With ASP.NET CORE you should walk away from authentication middleware. Instead you should use an AuthenticationHandler microsoft

要创建自定义的身份验证处理程序,您将需要创建一个继承自AuthenticationHandler<TOption>的新类. TOption是一个简单的类,用于将参数传递给处理程序.

To create a custom Authentication handler, you will need to create a new class inheriting from AuthenticationHandler<TOption>. TOption is a simple class used to pass parameters to your handler.

public class TecMobileOptions : AuthenticationSchemeOptions
   // Add your options here

public class MyNewHandler : AuthenticationHandler<MyOptions>
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    public TecMobileHandler(
        IOptionsMonitor<MyOptions> options,
        ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
        UrlEncoder encoder,
        ISystemClock clock) : base(options, loggerFactory, encoder, clock)
       // Inject here your DbContext
        _logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("name...");


Then you will need to implement the HandleAuthenticateAsync method. It will be called by the Auth middleware when necessary:

    protected override async Task<AuthenticateResult> HandleAuthenticateAsync()
        var authorization = Request.Headers["UserId"].ToString();
        return AuthenticateResult.Success(
            new AuthenticationTicket(**your claims**, Scheme.Name));


Claims returned by this method will be available through the HttpContext.User object.


Once that done, you will need to add your scheme to the authentication builder.

   .AddScheme<MyOptions, MyHandler>("MyHandlerName");


Don't forget to add in Startup.cs / Configure methods the following code line



Finally, you will need to add the Authorize attribute on all classes/methods you want to secure

[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "MyHandlerName")]
public class MyControllerController : BaseController
{  }


[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "MyHandlerName")]
public IActionResult MyMethod()
{  }

这里的解决方案涵盖了完整的登录过程. 考虑一下您定义了两种身份验证方案 -基于Cookie的称为CookieScheme -AutoSignInScheme:按照上述步骤创建相应的处理程序

Here the solution covering the full login process. Let's consider you define two authentication schemes - Cookie based is called CookieScheme - AutoSignInScheme: create the corresponding handler following the steps above

[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "CookieScheme")]
public class SecuredController : Controller


public class AccountController : Controller
    [Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "AutoSignInScheme")]
    public async Task<IActionResult> AutoSignIn(string returnUrl)
        await HttpContext.SignInAsync(
           new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(User.Claims, "CookieScheme")));
        return Redirect(returnUrl);


In your Startup.cs, add the following lines:

            .AddCookie("CookieScheme", opts =>
                opts.LoginPath = new PathString("/account/AutoSignIn");
                opts.LogoutPath = ** TODO IF REQUIRED **
                opts.Cookie.Expiration = TimeSpan.FromHours(8);
            .AddScheme<MyOptions, MyHandler>("AutoSignInScheme");


When the users tries to access your site, he is redirected to the autosignin controller. Claims are then retrieved from your DB, stored in a cookie and the user is finally redirected to his initial destination!.
