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如何将Azure AD身份验证添加到现有的ASP.NET MVC应用程序中?

更新时间:2023-02-16 23:07:37

VS 2013中的工具不支持将其添加到现有项目中.您在更多信息部分中引用的链接底部是一篇深入的文章,在此我将剖析所添加的代码和配置.因此,您可以以此为参考来找到增量并将其应用于您的项目.

The tooling in VS 2013 doesn't support adding this to an existing project. At the bottom of the link you referenced in the More Information section is a deep dive article where I dissect the code and configuration that gets added. So, you could use that as a reference to find the deltas and apply them to your project.

现在,在这种情况下,Visual Studio 2015为我们提供了一些希望.它当然在预览中,但是您可以尝试一下.在解决方案资源管理器中,右键单击现有项目,然后选择配置Azure AD身份验证选项.

Now, Visual Studio 2015 offers us some hope in this scenario. It's in preview of course, but you may give it a try. In Solution Explorer, right click on your existing project and select the Configure Azure AD Authentication option.