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HtmlGenericControl(QUOT; BR&Q​​UOT;)渲染两次

更新时间:2023-02-17 13:03:12

一些测试它看起来像的原因之后是 HtmlGenericControl 不支持的自动关闭的。在服务器端的 HtmlGenericControl(BR)被视为:

After some testing it looks like the reason is that HtmlGenericControl doesn't support self closing. On server side the HtmlGenericControl("br") is treated as:

<br runat="server"></br>

有没有&LT; / BR&gt;在HTML 标签,所以浏览器显示它作为有两个&LT; BR /&GT; 标记。尼斯出路是创建 HtmlGenericSelfCloseControl 这样的(对不起,C#code,但你应该没有问题,在VB.NET rewritting本):

There is no </br> tag in HTML, so the browser shows it as there are two <br /> tags. Nice way out of this is to create HtmlGenericSelfCloseControl like this (sorry for C# code but you should have no issue with rewritting this in VB.NET):

public class HtmlGenericSelfCloseControl : HtmlGenericControl
    public HtmlGenericSelfCloseControl()
        : base()

    public HtmlGenericSelfCloseControl(string tag)
        : base(tag)

    protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
        writer.Write(HtmlTextWriter.TagLeftChar + this.TagName);

    public override ControlCollection Controls
        get { throw new Exception("Self closing tag can't have child controls"); }

    public override string InnerHtml
        get { return String.Empty; }
        set { throw new Exception("Self closing tag can't have inner content"); }

    public override string InnerText
        get { return String.Empty; }
        set { throw new Exception("Self closing tag can't have inner text"); }


pDoc.Controls.Add(New Label With {.Text = "whatever"})
pDoc.Controls.Add(New HtmlGenericSelfCloseControl("br"))

作为一个更简单的选择(如果你有参考),你可以尝试使用 Page.ParseControl

As a simpler alternative (if you have reference to the Page) you can try using Page.ParseControl:

pDoc.Controls.Add(New Label With {.Text = "whatever"})