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Objective-C 文件中的 Applescript 语法(多个参数)

更新时间:2023-02-18 15:57:50

NSLog(fullScript); 显示什么值?我想你会得到一个

What value is shown by a NSLog(fullScript);? I think you'll get a

[...] get quoted form of Dev1.4 [...]

什么是无效的 Applescript 语法.您还应该添加另一个空格.顺便说一句,为什么要在构建 shell 脚本中编写 Applescript?你只是不需要它,所以请尝试

what isn't a valid Applescript syntax. You should add another space also. BTW why do you want to write Applescript inside building a shell script? You just don't need it there, so please try just

NSString * fullScript = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ '%@' '%@'", scriptPath, tmpString1, tmpString2];


Hope it helps, Michael / Hamburg