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更新时间:2023-02-19 11:56:37

web2py Auth系统包括一个内置的密码更改操作.如果您在default.py控制器中使用默认的user操作,则可以通过/myapp/default/user/change_password访问此表单.

The web2py Auth system includes a built-in password change action. If you are using the default user action in the default.py controller, you access this form via /myapp/default/user/change_password.


If you prefer to create a separate controller action just for this purpose, you can simply do:

def change_password():
    return dict(form=auth.change_password())




Regarding your custom code, you cannot use the IS_EQUAL_TO validator alone, as it takes an expression that must be equal to the value submitted with the form (you cannot call the validator with a transformed value as you have, as that will return a tuple, but the requires attribute must be a callable object that takes a field and a value).


Instead, you could use the CRYPT validator followed by the IS_EQUAL_TO validator in a list -- the first validator will transform the submitted password to a hash, and the second will then test for equality with the stored password hash.


def check_password(password):
    new_hash = db.auth_user.password.validate(password)[0]
    return new_hash == auth.user.password

form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('current_password', 'password')


The IS_EXPR validator can take a function that will be passed the value, and the function should return True or False (note, this usage is not documented -- the book only shows the alternative usage, where you provide Python code as a string, which will be exec'ed).