
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-19 19:08:58





If the class calls Finalize, then using member initialization is certainly the right way to go. The reason being, if there is an error in the constructor, and Finalize is called, then the state of the fields could come into play. Using member initialization in this case means that you know your fields are valid, so you won't have issues if finalize is called following failed object construction.


最后修改:最初发布后12分钟 -


I don't think it really matters, especially in the case of setting variables to their default values (which is recommended to not do). If you have multiple constructors, you can set the initial values in your simplest constructor and then use constructor chaining. In your first example, you actually end up with 3 additional lines of IL in the constructor to handle loading the arguement on to the evaluation stack (which it already does), then loading the 0 as an integer on to the evaluation stack, and then replacing the value stored in the "Member" field with the new value.


There's a subtle difference if you call virtual methods from your constructor, which is generally not advisable. When generating IL code for the constructor, the C# compiler puts code for all field initializers before code for the constructor's body This means that overridden will see initialized values for field initialized members, but will see default values for others.

<br /><br />class Base<br />{<br />   protected int x = 42;<br />   protected int y;<br /><br />   public Base()<br />   {<br />      SomeVirtualMethod();<br />      y = 42;<br />   }<br /><br />   protected virtual void SomeVirtualMethod() {}<br />}<br /><br />class Derived : Base<br />{<br />   protected override void SomeVirtualMethod()<br />   {<br />      Console.WriteLine(x);<br />      Console.WriteLine(y);<br />   }<br />}<br /><br />


prints 42 and 0.