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如何找到只有 0 和 1 除以给定数字的最小数字?

更新时间:2023-02-19 22:53:32

好问题.我使用 BFS 通过中间相遇和其他一些修剪来解决这个问题.现在我的代码可以在合理的时间内解决 n9.

Nice question. I use BFS to solve this question with meet-in-the-middle and some other prunings. Now my code can solve n<109 in a reasonable time.

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>

class BIT {
private: int x[40000000];
    void clear() {memset(x, 0, sizeof(x));}
    void setz(int p, int z) {x[p>>5]=z?(x[p>>5]|(1<<(p&31))):(x[p>>5]&~(1<<(p&31)));}
    int bit(int p) {return x[p>>5]>>(p&31)&1;}
} bp, bq;

class UNIT {
private: int x[3];
public: int len, sum;
    void setz(int z) {x[len>>5]=z?(x[len>>5]|(1<<(len&31))):(x[len>>5]&~(1<<(len&31)));}
    int bit(int p) {return x[p>>5]>>(p&31)&1;}
} u;

class MYQUEUE {
private: UNIT x[5000000]; int h, t;
    void clear() {h = t = 0;}
    bool empty() {return h == t;}
    UNIT front() {return x[h];}
    void pop() {h = (h + 1) % 5000000;}
    void push(UNIT tp) {x[t] = tp; t = (t + 1) % 5000000;}
} p, q;

int n, md[100];

void bfs()
    for (int i = 0, tp = 1; i < 200; i++) tp = 10LL * (md[i] = tp) % n;

    u.len = -1; u.sum = 0; q.clear(); q.push(u); bq.clear();
    while (1)
        u = q.front(); if (u.len >= 40) break; q.pop();
        u.len++; u.setz(0); q.push(u);
        u.setz(1); u.sum = (u.sum + md[u.len]) % n;
        if (!bq.bit(u.sum)) {bq.setz(u.sum, 1); q.push(u);}
        if (!u.sum) {
            for (int k = u.len; k >= 0; k--) printf("%d", u.bit(k));
            puts(""); return;

    u.len = 40; u.sum = 0; p.clear(); p.push(u); bp.clear();
    while (1)
        u = p.front(); p.pop();
        u.len++; u.setz(0); p.push(u);
        u.setz(1); u.sum = (u.sum + md[u.len]) % n;
        if (!bp.bit(u.sum)) {bp.setz(u.sum, 1); p.push(u);}
        int bf = (n - u.sum) % n;
        if (bq.bit(bf)) {
            for (int k = u.len; k > 40; k--) printf("%d", u.bit(k));
            while (!q.empty())
                u = q.front(); if (u.sum == bf) break; q.pop();
            for (int k = 40; k >= 0; k--) printf("%d", u.bit(k));
            puts(""); return;

int main(void)
    // 0 < n < 10^9
    while (~scanf("%d", &n)) bfs();
    return 0;