
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-20 11:31:43





  class Bar extends Foo {
public Bar(){
doSomething(1,new HashMap< Number,String>());

$ b你会注意到它会被编译, code> HashMap< Number,String>
不是可分配给 Map< String,JComponent> 的类型。
$ b

超类或超接口继承的原始类型 C 的字段(第8.3节)是与
对应的原始类型,它的类型与 C

(注意 C 在我们的例子中是 Bar 。)

尝试覆盖方法时会发生同样的事情。当试图覆盖 Foo#doSomething(..)方法时,您的 Bar 类实际上将它声明为

  public void doSomething(Number n,Map comps){


  public void doSomething(Number n,Map< String,JComponent> comps){
在子类型 Bar 中的}

实际上是一个试图超载,而不是压倒一切。由于类型擦除,这失败了。可以用 @Override 验证的适当覆盖是

  public void doSomething(Number n,Map comps){


I'm trying to understand the name *** error I get with the following code:

import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;

class Foo<R extends Number> {
    public void doSomething(Number n, Map<String, JComponent> comps) {

class Bar extends Foo {
    public void doSomething(Number n, Map<String, JComponent> comps) {

Error message:

error: name ***: doSomething(Number,Map<String,JComponent>) in Bar and doSomething(Number,Map<String,JComponent>) in Foo have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other

I know I can fix it by either remove the generic type from Foo, or by changing the Bar declaration to class Bar extends Foo<Integer>; what I want to know is why this error occurs in the specific case, but goes away if I remove the comps parameter from each method. I've done some reading about type erasure, but it still appears to me that both methods should have the same erasure with or without generics, and therefore be a valid override in either case. (Note that I haven't even used the generic parameter anywhere yet, which is why I'm so surprised.)

I know that I've added generic types to parent classes before but only got warnings about the subclasses, not errors. Can anyone explain this scenario?

Luiggi is right in the comments. This is a consequence of raw types.

The supertype of a class may be a raw type. Member accesses for the class are treated as normal, and member accesses for the supertype are treated as for raw types. In the constructor of the class, calls to super are treated as method calls on a raw type.

This applies when invoking a supertype method, but also when overriding one.

Take for example, the following

class Bar extends Foo {
    public Bar() {
        doSomething(1, new HashMap<Number, String>());

You'll notice that it compiles, even though HashMap<Number, String> is not a type that is assignable to Map<String, JComponent>.

The type of a constructor (§8.8), instance method (§8.4, §9.4), or non-static field (§8.3) of a raw type C that is not inherited from its superclasses or superinterfaces is the raw type that corresponds to the erasure of its type in the generic declaration corresponding to C.

(Note that C in our case is Bar.)

And the same thing happens when trying to override a method. When trying to override the Foo#doSomething(..) method, your Bar class is actually seeing it declared as

public void doSomething(Number n, Map comps) {

In other words, every usage of type parameters is erased. So attempting to declare the method

public void doSomething(Number n, Map<String, JComponent> comps) {

in the subtype Bar is actually an attempt at overloading, not overriding. And this fails because of type erasure. The proper override, which you can verify with @Override, is

public void doSomething(Number n, Map comps) {

Further reading: