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更新时间:2023-02-21 21:10:54

  $ html ='...我可以隐藏HTML?...'; 
$ whitelist = array('herpyderp.com','google.com');

$ dom = new DomDocument();
$ dom-> loadHtml($ html);
$ links = $ dom-> getELementsByTagName('a');

foreach($ link as $ link){
$ host = parse_url($ link-> getAttribute('href'),PHP_URL_HOST);

if($ host&&!in_array($ host,$ whitelist)){

//使用列入黑名单的链接$ b的内容创建一个文本节点$ b $ text = new DomText($ link-> nodeValue);

$ link-> parentNode-> insertBefore($ text,$ link);

$ link-> parentNode-> removeChild($ link);


$ dom-> removeChild($ dom-> firstChild);
$ dom-> replaceChild($ dom-> firstChild-> firstChild-> firstChild,$ dom-> firstChild);

$ html = $ dom-> saveHtml();

对于那些害怕使用DomDocument而不是 preg_replace 出于性能原因,我在这个和Q中链接的代码之间进行了快速测试(完全删除了链接的代码)=> DomDocument只慢了~4倍。 / p>

For example, <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/art029nr/">remove links to here but keep text</a> but <a href="http://herpyderp.com">leave all other links alone</a>

I've been trying to solve this using preg_replace. I've searched through here and found answers that solve pieces of the problem.

The answer at PHP: Remove all hyperlinks of specific domain from text removes links to a specific url but removes the text also.

The site at http://php-opensource-help.blogspot.ie/2010/10/how-to-remove-hyperlink-from-string.html removes a hyperlink from a string but I can't seem to modify the pattern so that it applies only to a specific website.

$html = '...I can haz HTML?...';
$whitelist = array('herpyderp.com', 'google.com');

$dom = new DomDocument();
$links = $dom->getELementsByTagName('a');

foreach($links as $link){
  $host = parse_url($link->getAttribute('href'), PHP_URL_HOST);

  if($host && !in_array($host, $whitelist)){    

    // create a text node with the contents of the blacklisted link
    $text = new DomText($link->nodeValue);

    // insert it before the link
    $link->parentNode->insertBefore($text, $link);

    // and remove the link


// remove wrapping tags added by the parser
$dom->replaceChild($dom->firstChild->firstChild->firstChild, $dom->firstChild);

$html = $dom->saveHtml();

For those scared to use DomDocument instead of preg_replace for performance reasons, I did a quick test between this and the code linked in the Q (the one that completely removes the links) => DomDocument is only ~4 times slower.