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更新时间:2023-02-22 09:30:21

该网站返回一个带有SAMEORIGIN值的X-Frame-Options ...这意味着只有来自同一来源(网站)的网页可以在iframe中显示内容...

X-Frame-Options响应头 - HTTP | MDN [ ^ ]

I cannot for the life of me figure out why this will not load in an Iframe? It returns a
blank page?

 CDV Atmospheric Cross Section <iframe src="http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/nammeteograms/images_off/702960.cloud.gif" width="100%" height="600"></iframe>

Pasting the URL in a browser window seems to work great, so what's the issue? Does NOAA blaock iFrames?

What I have tried:

Loading the URL works fine, not sure what's possibly up with the iFrame?

That site returns an X-Frame-Options with SAMEORIGIN value...That means that only pages from the same origin (site) can display content in iframe...
The X-Frame-Options response header - HTTP | MDN[^]